About AIM

to educate image


The Athens Institute of Ministry is based in Athens and Atlanta, Georgia, where classes are taught four times annually. This exciting endeavor was launched in January 2004. Note: this is a redoubling of the previous MTP program that operated 1995-2003, based in the UK, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, and the US. From 2012 all courses and examinations also can be taken online through the AIM website.

PURPOSE Never has the need for biblical training been so evident as at this current time. Most agree the need for biblical preparation is acute: fewer and fewer preachers and teachers come from a biblically informed background; more and more are teaching greater and greater numbers of people without adequate training in the study and application of the scriptures. Paul wrote words familiar to us all:

“It was he who gave some to be... evangelists, some to be shepherds, some to be teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature... Then we will no longer be tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching...” (Ephesians 4.11-14)

We have invested tremendous resources, both personnel and financial, into our ministry staffing—and rightly so. Yet it is broadly agreed that most of our preachers need more training. A workable plan requires (a) experienced teachers, (b) time, and (c) money. Seminary is a long, circuitous and even perilous route whose worth has yet to be proven. Doing nothing, however, is certain to deprive congregations of preachers and teachers who possess the confidence and effectiveness the churches need and long for.

With these urgent needs in mind, we have constructed a new teaching and training program.The objective: to increase disciples' biblical expertise, while also enhancing all-round competence, confidence and credibility.


AIM emphasizes biblical study—Old Testament, New Testament, Interpretation (Exegesis), and also includes Church History, Apologetics, Counseling, Marriage & Parenting, Public speaking (Homiletics), World Religions, Denominational Doctrine, Holy Spirit, Church Building and Pastoral Counseling.

Students take part in a program, upon completion of which a diploma is presented. The units may also be taken separately. Admission is “rolling,” so people can join the program at any time. On-line dialogue between teachers and students between units provides continuity and follow-up. A distance option is also available through the AIM website. Currently, participants from 27 nations are involved in AIM.

Douglas Jacoby. Samuel Laing, Joseph Harris

Last modified: Monday, August 18, 2014, 9:15 PM